International scientific conference dedicated to romanian scientist George Emil Palade
"George Emil Palade - the father of modern cellular biology" was the title of the international scientific conference, which took place on 22 November 2022 at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) and simultaneously at the Romanian Academy (AR) in Bucharest. The event was dedicated to scientist George Emil Palade, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, member of the US National Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Romanian Academy, Knight of the Star of Romania National Order in the rank of Collar.
Present at the inauguration of the event, Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Emil Ceban has emphasized that everything which was created and discovered by academician Palade is very relevant today, when medicine is moving to another era - that of molecular medicine, when everything that is done in science and research is focused on the medicine of the future, on personalized medicine. According to the professor, this proves to us that the scholar was a highly original scientist and his creation is unique and we are proud to be his compatriots. "George Emil Palade was a world-famous scientist whose work was of inestimable value - the first Romanian genius who decisively enriched the medical world, who looked inside the cell, saw its structural elements and understood what their specific functions are, explained the subtle organic balance of the elimination and burning of microscopic waste, hence – the life energy balance. He developed electron microscopy techniques, a fact that allowed the study of the cell as a distinct field in medical research", the rector mentioned in his speech.
For his part, the president of ASM, academician Ion Tighineanu, noted "the scientist brought Romania worldwide fame and, with good reason, is considered the father of modern cell biology". Ion Tighineanu expressed his belief that the event, organized in partnership with the Romanian Academy, would give new impetus to the initiation of projects and collaborations on a global scale.
Marius Ciprian Toth, Minister Plenipotentiary of Romania in the Republic of Moldova, welcomed the participants to the major scientific event and the decision of the two scientific forums on both banks of the Prut to pay tribute to one of the world-renowned native scientists in the field of modern molecular biology. "Given our common identity, language and culture, it is crucial to intensify these collaborations as scientists and opinion leaders, and thus contribute decisively to the European path, hopefully irreversible, of the Republic of Moldova", pointed out the Romanian diplomat.
In addition, several representatives of the Romanian Academy had online interventions at the conference: academician Ioan-Aurel Pop, president of AR, and academician Maya Simionescu, president of the Department of Biological Sciences, as well as professor Randy W. Schekman from the University of California/Berkeley, USA, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Internationally recognized as one of the creators of modern cell biology, George Emil Palade (1912-2008) is the researcher who created the "Palade fixative" for electron microscopy and the discoverer of ribosomes, organelles involved in protein synthesis, called in specialized literature "Palade granules". In 1974, he received the Nobel Prize in Medicine, due to his discoveries relating to the structural and functional organization of the cell.
In the context of this event, Nicolae Testemitanu University was co-organizer of Doctors for Peace thematic exhibition, where the scientific achievements of the University’s researchers and inventors during the years 2020-2022 were exhibited. Our university was represented by members of the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics, the Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Cell Cultures, the Laboratory of Gastroenterology, the Laboratory of Hospital Infections, the Discipline of Geriatrics and Occupational Medicine, the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and by Eugen Valic, 5th year student at Faculty of Medicine No. 1. Moreover, at the exhibition, some works of the students participating in Doctor through the eyes of a child drawing contest, 2022 edition, were also exhibited.
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