ZOTA, I. Morfopatologie generală. Chişinău: Tipografia centrală, 2010. 350 p.
ZOTA, I., VATAMAN, V. Morfopatologie generală. Chişinău, 2011, 244 p.
АНЕСТИАДИ, В., ЗОТА Е. Начинающийся атеросклероз. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1991, 19 п.л.
NAGORNEV, V., ZOTA I. Aterogeneza. Chişinău: Lumina, 1994, 20 c.t.
АНЕСТИАДИ, В. , НАГОРНЕВ В. , ЗОТА Е. Атерогенез и иммунное воспаление, Кишинев: Tipografia centrală,1997,17 c.t.
АНЕСТИАДИ, В., НАГОРНЕВ В., ЗОТА Е. Атерогенез (аспекты патобиологии). Кишинев: Tipografia centrală, 2001, 332 c.
MELNIC EUGEN. Adenoamele hipofizare morfopatologie și profil molecular. Chișinău: ”Sirius”, 2017. 170 p. ISBN 978-9975-57-224-8.
АНЕСТИАДИ, В.,НАГОРНЕВ, В., ЗОТА,Е. Патоморфоз атеросклероза: Иммуноаспекты. Кишинев: Санкт-Петербург, 2008, 318 с.
ZOTA, I.,VATAMAN, V. Dicţionar terminologic român-latin-rus de patologie generală. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 1991. 278 p.
VATAMANU, V., ZOTA,I. Morfopatologie generală: Manual-atlas. Chişinău: Ştiinţa, Bucureşti “Tehnica”, 1997, 124 p., 62 planşe.
ZOTA, I.,ERNEST, J. B., VATAMAN, V. General morfopathology: Compendium-atlas. Chişinău: Tipografia Centrală, 2003, 130 p., 290 il.
Methodological and didactic works
NIGULEANU, R., NIGULEANU, V., GUDUMAC, V., ş. a. Examenul de laborator al lichidului cefalorahidian, lichidelor de punctie, sputei si aspiratii bronsice: Ghid practic. Chişinău, 2010, 50p.
ZOTA, I., FOCA, E., MELNIC, E. Ateroscleroza şi apoptoza: Ghid practic. Chişinău, 2010, 21 p.
ZOTA, I., FOCA, E., MELNIC, E. Iatrogenii medicale: Ghid practic. Chişinău, 2010, 28 p
Articles in international scientific journals rated ISI-Thomson and SCOPUS:
Bălinişteanu B., Cimpean A.M.,Melnic E. et al. Cross talk between tumor blood vessels heterogeneity and hormonal profile of pituitary adenomas: evidenceandcontroversies. In:Anticancerresearch. Sithonia, Greece, 2014, no. 34(10), p. 5413-5420. IF 1,895.
Cimpean A. M., Melnic E., Bălinişteanu B. et al. Geographic-Related Differences of Pituitary Adenomas Hormone Profile: Analysis of Two Groups Coming from Southeastern and Eastern Europe, In: International Jurnal of Endocrinologyhttps://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/ 2015/192094/, 6 p. IF 2,510.
Corlan A. S., Melnic E., Cimpean A. M. et al. Her-2 and EGFR as potentialand prognostic and therapeutic markers in pituitary adenomas. In: Acta Endocrinologica. The international Journal of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology, Brașov, Romania, 2016, vol. XII, supp 1, p. 40-41. IF 0,235.
Corlan A. S., Cimpean A. M., Melnic E. et al. Endocrine Gland-Derived Endothelial Growth Factor/Prokineticin – 1 in Cancer Development and Tumor Angiogenesis. In: International Jurnal of Endocrinologyhttps://www.hindawi.com/journals/ije/2017/3232905/abs/volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 3232905, 13 p. IF 2,510.
Cimpean A. M., Ceaușu A. R., Corlan A. S., Melnic E. et al. The „game” of glial fibrillary acidic and S100 proteins in pituitary adenomas: two players or several, In: Endocrinologia Polsca, https://journals.viamedica.pl/endokrynologia_polska/article/view/EP.a2017.0029/38597/
DOI:10.5603/EP.a2017.0029, 2017, 27 p. IF 1.341.
Bălinişteanu B., Cîmpean A. M., Ceauşu A. R., Corlan A. S., Melnic E. et al. High Ki-67 expression is associated with prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma. Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences,https://www.bjbms.org/ojs/index.php/bjbms/article/view/1750/vol. 17, no. 2 (2017), p. 104-108. IF 0,906.
Theses to the international scientific forums:
Melnic E., Cimpean A. M., Gaje P. N. et al. Influence of hormoneprofile on vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF A) expression in human pituitary adenomas. In:
Anticancer research. Sithonia, Greece, 2014, no. 34(10) p. 5867. IF 1,895.
Bălinişteanu B., Cimpean A. M., Melnic E. Expression of HER2 and EGFR in pituitary adenomas. In: First euroregional Conference for PhD students and young researchers.
in biomedicine. Timișoara, România, 2015, p. 42.
Balinisteanu B., Cimpean A. M., Melnic E. et al. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) A and PDGF B/PDGFR β axis in pituitarya denomas.
In: VirchowsArchiv.European Journal of Pathology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, vol. 467, supp.1, p. S212. IF 2,613.
Melnic E., Cimpean A. M., Bălinişteanu B. Comparative assessment of hormone immunoprofile for pituitary adenomas coming from Romania and Republic of Moldova.
In: Virchows Archiv. European Journal of Pathology. Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, vol. 467, supp.1, p. S73. IF 2,613.
Bălinişteanu B., Cimpean A. M., Melnic E. et al. Endocrine gland derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF) expression in pituitary adenomas.
In: Acta medica Marisiensis. 14TH National Symposium of Microsopic Morphology. Tîrgu-Mureș, România, 2016, p. 20.
Bălinişteanu B., Cimpean A. M., Melnic E. et al. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and its inhibitor isoform VEGF 165b: Dual role in pituitary adenomas.
In: Virchows Archiv.European Journal of Pathology. Koln, Germany, 2016, vol. 469, supp.1, p. S175. IF 2,613.
Jitaru A. A., Cimpean A. M., Melnic E. et al. GFAP and protein S100 game play in pituitary adenomas; Single player or multiplayer configuration?
In: Virchows Archiv. European Journal of Pathology. Koln, Germany, 2016, vol. 469, supp.1, p. S75. IF 2,613.
Jitaru A. A., Cimpean A. M., Melnic E. et al. From breast to ,,endocrine,, brain: The heterogenous expression of ErbB family members in pituitary adenomas.
In: VirchowsArchiv.European Journal of Pathology. Koln, Germany, 2016, vol. 469, supp.1, p. S75. IF 2,613.
Corlan A. S., Cimpean A. M, Raica M., Melnic E. et al. HER2, EGFR and PDGF family members as potential prognostic markers and their therapeutic implication.
In: 19-th European Congress of Endocinology. Lisbon, Portugal, 2017, vol. 49, p. 93.